Sermons by Pastor Laura Tanner (Page 5)
Collide: Be Transformed
“Yes I Will” by Vertical Worship declares, “I choose to praise… yes, I will, lift You high in the lowest valley…” Let’s do it, Church. With hearts struggling or at complete peace, let’s come together, choose to praise & to respond to His word as we continue together in our series, Collide—Week 2: Be Transformed.
Collide: Stand Firm
What do we do with an inevitable collision between Christianity & culture? How do we fulfill our calling by God to impact others with the love of Christ? We must be prepared, but how? Let’s lean in to God’s word & what He says, this morning at 10am as we worship & as we kick off our new series together—Collide—Week 1: Stand Firm
You Want What From Me?
Ever felt compelled to obey God even when it didn’t make sense? Ever doubted even when you recently experienced Him working? As we gather at 10am, listen for God’s heart as we focus on what He’s saying through this time, worship, & the message—“You Want What from Me?”
When Brought Low
What truth can we know when we find ourselves brought low? As we come with hearts ready to declare truth about His name & ready to receive the love He is speaking, we’ll hear this morning & through the message—”When Brought Low.”
The Law of Echoes
Ready to worship at 9:30am?! Let’s come with hearts ready to pour out praise & drink in His word as we gather responding to Him & to reflect together on “The Law of Echoes”
Goliath’s Sword
Are you ready to respond? God’s ready, speaking, smiling. Come with a heart anticipating, ready to worship, ready to hear as we gather together for 9:30am service & “Goliah’s Sword”.
5 Smooth Stones: Our Response to Victory
How do we experience victory, & how do we respond to it? As we come with hearts open to Him, let’s lean in & respond to what God is saying as we continue with Five Smooth Stones & Week 4 “Our Response to Victory”.
5 Smooth Stones: All That You Need
What more do we need to be able to follow God fully? As we come, worship with heart & lean in expecting God to answer as we dive in together to His word & continue our series—Five Smooth Stones, Week 3.
5 Smooth Stones: God Gets the Glory
How can we battle the giants in our lives? As we worship & lean in, come ready to receive from & respond to God as He continues to direct us—and as we continue our series together this morning—Five Smooth Stones.
5 Smooth Stones: The Challenger
How can we recognize the enemies efforts to paralyze us with fear? Come expecting to hear God’s response; come ready to praise Him as He continues to respond to us through His word & as we start our newest series together—Five Smooth Stones.
Rest in Peace
What does it mean to “rest in peace”? Family, come, lean in. Let’s worship & respond.
I Love the Lord. He Heard my Cry for Mercy.
Does God really hear us? Family, come. Let’s lean in this morning, to worshipping, to His word. How wonderful a gift to get to be together & the LORD Himself with us.
The Prayer of Agur (Part 3)
What of these wonders? Agur shares four wonderful things to consider. Come do so together this morning as it leads us more so too in considering the wonders of God.
The Prayer of Agur (Part 2)
How do we become more aware of the specifics of working of God in our lives? Agur seemed to share some insight. As we come to worship together, ready to respond, ask God to reveal the specifics in your own relationship with Him.
The Prayer of Agur
What does it mean to live in “God’s sweet spot”? Come ready to respond to our LORD this morning in worship & abandon as we dive into His word & “The Book of Agur”.
The Book Club: Jude
How do we know what we actually believe? One of the greatest indicators, Jude shares, is how we live. Come dive in together, responding to God & His word as we conclude “The Book Club” series together.
The Book Club: Obadiah
Is there hope for humanity? According to Obadiah, our latest in “The Book Club” series, with God, yes! He is our HOPE. Pressing in & leaning in through worship & the word together.
The Book Club: 3 John
What is one of the greatest joys of a disciple of Jesus? As we come to worship God & respond to His word, we’ll hear as we continue in our series, “The Book Club,” & as John shares in his letter, 3 John. How good to get to be together!
The Book Club: 2 John
How do we stay in close relationship with God? Get ready to hear as we continue in our series, “The Book Club,” & 2 John. Get ready to celebrate too as we receive new members, rejoice with baptisms, & respond together in worship.
The Book Club: Philemon
How can so few words say so much? Get ready to hear as God speaks to our hearts & as we respond to Him in worship & through our newest series & Week 1 of “The Book Club” starting with Philemon.
The Path: Dealing with Unreachable Expectations
What do we do when it seems we can’t reach our destination? This morning as we come to worship & ready our hearts to hear God’s words, we can expect Him to lead us. Grateful to share this time as we conclude with week 6 of our series, The Path: “Dealing with Unreachable Expectations”
The Path: Look Where You’re Going
What do you want to have your attention? As we continue week 5 of our series, The Path: “Look Where You’re Going”— as we worship & hear the Word, let God stir in our hearts the answer to this question.
The Path: Getting Help Along the Way
How can we “know what we don’t know”? Proverbs helps give us greater insight. Let’s continue leaning in, worshiping & responding as God speaks to us & as we continue week 4 of our series, The Path: “Getting Help Along the Way”.
The Path: Your Heart Matters
Isn’t “most” good? Why does trust call for “all” of our heart? Let’s enter in more together—through worship & readiness—as we continue exploring our Proverb series, The Path Week 3: “Your Heart Matters”
The Path: Making a Course Correction
What determines our shaping as “simple” or “prudent,” “foolish” or “wise”? Come, lean in a bit more as we worship God & explore this together continuing our series in Proverbs & Week 2 of the Path—”Making a Course Correction”