Sermons by Pastor Laura Tanner (Page 4)
Letting Go: Letting Go of Human Concerns
How can we let go of our own concerns & put God’s first? Join us as we continue our “Letting Go” series together.
Letting Go: Letting Go of Our Blindness
How can we see God more clearly? Let’s come worship Him & discover this together at 10am as we continue our series “Letting Go”.
Letting Go: Letting Go of Shame
Ever feel shame? Seem unbearable? What would happen if we recognized a true encounter with Love? Just come. Come with a heart open to Him & willing to hear His heart as we continue our series & in the message “Letting Go of Shame.
Letting Go: When Christ is in the Boat
Ever feel overwhelmed by fear &/or by circumstances beyond your control? What can be done? Let’s come to worship & respond to God’s word ready to hear & as we continue our series “Letting Go—When Christ is in the Boat”.
Letting Go: Rewired By Christ
Ever feel like you need a “reset”—or maybe to be “rewired”? As we come & prepare ourselves to focus on Jesus, to encourage one another & to engage with His word, let’s expect too to be “Rewired by Christ” as we delve a new series together—“Letting Go”—
I Exalt Thee
What does it mean to exalt the Lord? How can we? Why do we? As we come this morning to turn our attention on Him, let’s lean in & hear from the Lord & respond.
Win The Day: Seed the Clouds
What does it mean to “Seed the Clouds”? Let’s dive in, find out, come prepped, hearts ready to respond in worship & to the word as we continue our series together, “Win the Day.”
Win The Day: Wind the Clock
How can we “Wind the Clock” to “Win the Day”? Let’s delve in together—& come with hearts ready to worship & ready to respond.
Win The Day: Cut the Rope
If we want to “Win the Day,” we need to “Cut the Rope”? What does that mean? Come chew His word together as we lean in to hear & to worship together.
Win The Day: Fly the Kite
If we want to “Win the Day,” we need to “Fly the Kite”? Let’s dive in to this habit & His word as we come together this morning.
Win The Day: Eat the Frog
How do you “eat the frog”?! Let’s come ready to worship, ready to hear, ready to respond as we continue in our series, “Win the Day”.
Win The Day: Flip the Script
What does it mean to “win the day”? How can we? We’ll be delving into this & posturing our hearts through worship as we kick off our new series & Week 1 | Flip the Script.
Collide: When Already & Not Yet
What do we do when already & not yet collide? As we come ready to worship & respond, let’s hear what the word says as we continue in our series, “Collide”.
Collide: When “Your Plans” and “God’s Will”…
What do we do when our plans & God’s will collide? Let’s lean in & ready ourselves to respond as we worship together & continue chewing on God’s word & in week 5 of our series “Collide”.
Collide: Be Transformed
“Yes I Will” by Vertical Worship declares, “I choose to praise… yes, I will, lift You high in the lowest valley…” Let’s do it, Church. With hearts struggling or at complete peace, let’s come together, choose to praise & to respond to His word as we continue together in our series, Collide—Week 2: Be Transformed.
Collide: Stand Firm
What do we do with an inevitable collision between Christianity & culture? How do we fulfill our calling by God to impact others with the love of Christ? We must be prepared, but how? Let’s lean in to God’s word & what He says, this morning at 10am as we worship & as we kick off our new series together—Collide—Week 1: Stand Firm
You Want What From Me?
Ever felt compelled to obey God even when it didn’t make sense? Ever doubted even when you recently experienced Him working? As we gather at 10am, listen for God’s heart as we focus on what He’s saying through this time, worship, & the message—“You Want What from Me?”
When Brought Low
What truth can we know when we find ourselves brought low? As we come with hearts ready to declare truth about His name & ready to receive the love He is speaking, we’ll hear this morning & through the message—”When Brought Low.”
The Law of Echoes
Ready to worship at 9:30am?! Let’s come with hearts ready to pour out praise & drink in His word as we gather responding to Him & to reflect together on “The Law of Echoes”