The Path: A Study in Proverbs

The Path: A Study in Proverbs

The Path: Dealing with Unreachable Expectations

What do we do when it seems we can’t reach our destination? This morning as we come to worship & ready our hearts to hear God’s words, we can expect Him to lead us. Grateful to share this time as we conclude with week 6 of our series, The Path: “Dealing with Unreachable Expectations”
The Path: A Study in Proverbs

The Path: Look Where You’re Going

What do you want to have your attention? As we continue week 5 of our series, The Path: “Look Where You’re Going”— as we worship & hear the Word, let God stir in our hearts the answer to this question.
The Path: A Study in Proverbs

The Path: Getting Help Along the Way

How can we “know what we don’t know”? Proverbs helps give us greater insight. Let’s continue leaning in, worshiping & responding as God speaks to us & as we continue week 4 of our series, The Path: “Getting Help Along the Way”.
The Path: A Study in Proverbs

The Path: Your Heart Matters

Isn’t “most” good? Why does trust call for “all” of our heart? Let’s enter in more together—through worship & readiness—as we continue exploring our Proverb series, The Path Week 3: “Your Heart Matters”
The Path: A Study in Proverbs

The Path: Making a Course Correction

What determines our shaping as “simple” or “prudent,” “foolish” or “wise”? Come, lean in a bit more as we worship God & explore this together continuing our series in Proverbs & Week 2 of the Path—”Making a Course Correction”
The Path: A Study in Proverbs

The Path: Your Direction Determines Your Destination

Where are you headed, and where do you want to “end up”? Are they the same? Through worship & the Word, let’s press in a little more together as we start our study in the book of Proverbs this morning & Week 1 of The Path—“Your Direction Determines Your Destination”