The Book Club

The Book Club

The Book Club: Jude

How do we know what we actually believe? One of the greatest indicators, Jude shares, is how we live. Come dive in together, responding to God & His word as we conclude “The Book Club” series together.
The Book Club

The Book Club: Obadiah

Is there hope for humanity? According to Obadiah, our latest in “The Book Club” series, with God, yes! He is our HOPE. Pressing in & leaning in through worship & the word together.
The Book Club

The Book Club: 3 John

What is one of the greatest joys of a disciple of Jesus? As we come to worship God & respond to His word, we’ll hear as we continue in our series, “The Book Club,” & as John shares in his letter, 3 John. How good to get to be together!
The Book Club

The Book Club: 2 John

How do we stay in close relationship with God? Get ready to hear as we continue in our series, “The Book Club,” & 2 John. Get ready to celebrate too as we receive new members, rejoice with baptisms, & respond together in worship.
The Book Club

The Book Club: Philemon

How can so few words say so much? Get ready to hear as God speaks to our hearts & as we respond to Him in worship & through our newest series & Week 1 of “The Book Club” starting with Philemon.