Sermons on Proverbs

The Prayer of Agur

The Prayer of Agur (Part 2)

How do we become more aware of the specifics of working of God in our lives? Agur seemed to share some insight. As we come to worship together, ready to respond, ask God to reveal the specifics in your own relationship with Him.
The Prayer of Agur

The Prayer of Agur

What does it mean to live in “God’s sweet spot”? Come ready to respond to our LORD this morning in worship & abandon as we dive into His word & “The Book of Agur”.
The Path: A Study in Proverbs

The Path: Dealing with Unreachable Expectations

What do we do when it seems we can’t reach our destination? This morning as we come to worship & ready our hearts to hear God’s words, we can expect Him to lead us. Grateful to share this time as we conclude with week 6 of our series, The Path: “Dealing with Unreachable Expectations”
The Path: A Study in Proverbs

The Path: Look Where You’re Going

What do you want to have your attention? As we continue week 5 of our series, The Path: “Look Where You’re Going”— as we worship & hear the Word, let God stir in our hearts the answer to this question.
The Path: A Study in Proverbs

The Path: Getting Help Along the Way

How can we “know what we don’t know”? Proverbs helps give us greater insight. Let’s continue leaning in, worshiping & responding as God speaks to us & as we continue week 4 of our series, The Path: “Getting Help Along the Way”.
The Path: A Study in Proverbs

The Path: Your Heart Matters

Isn’t “most” good? Why does trust call for “all” of our heart? Let’s enter in more together—through worship & readiness—as we continue exploring our Proverb series, The Path Week 3: “Your Heart Matters”
The Path: A Study in Proverbs

The Path: Making a Course Correction

What determines our shaping as “simple” or “prudent,” “foolish” or “wise”? Come, lean in a bit more as we worship God & explore this together continuing our series in Proverbs & Week 2 of the Path—”Making a Course Correction”
The Path: A Study in Proverbs

The Path: Your Direction Determines Your Destination

Where are you headed, and where do you want to “end up”? Are they the same? Through worship & the Word, let’s press in a little more together as we start our study in the book of Proverbs this morning & Week 1 of The Path—“Your Direction Determines Your Destination”

Week One: Planted

Big Idea: The seed of the gospel is available to all. It is sown generously no matter the heart condition of the individual. Its ability to take root and grow when planted is dependent on the condition of the “soil” of one’s heart. THINK: Our goal is to believe that we have the ability to make life choices that ensure that our hearts are fertile soil for the truth of the Gospel to take root in. FEEL: Develop a deep…