Sermons on John

Letting Go of Shame

Letting Go: Letting Go of Shame

Ever feel shame? Seem unbearable? What would happen if we recognized a true encounter with Love? Just come. Come with a heart open to Him & willing to hear His heart as we continue our series & in the message “Letting Go of Shame.

Week Three: Prune

Big Idea: A natural part of an organic relationship with God is the process of pruning. Just as a plant is healthier after pruning and has revitalized growth, so a Christian experiences growth when unhealthy areas of their lives are trimmed or thinned. Though this process can be painful in the moment, the outcome is divine and beautiful. As a follower of Jesus we must see God’s work in our lives as something that has our best in mind and…

Week One: Planted

Big Idea: The seed of the gospel is available to all. It is sown generously no matter the heart condition of the individual. Its ability to take root and grow when planted is dependent on the condition of the “soil” of one’s heart. THINK: Our goal is to believe that we have the ability to make life choices that ensure that our hearts are fertile soil for the truth of the Gospel to take root in. FEEL: Develop a deep…