Sermons on 1 Samuel
Goliath’s Sword
Are you ready to respond? God’s ready, speaking, smiling. Come with a heart anticipating, ready to worship, ready to hear as we gather together for 9:30am service & “Goliah’s Sword”.
5 Smooth Stones: Our Response to Victory
How do we experience victory, & how do we respond to it? As we come with hearts open to Him, let’s lean in & respond to what God is saying as we continue with Five Smooth Stones & Week 4 “Our Response to Victory”.
5 Smooth Stones: All That You Need
What more do we need to be able to follow God fully? As we come, worship with heart & lean in expecting God to answer as we dive in together to His word & continue our series—Five Smooth Stones, Week 3.
5 Smooth Stones: God Gets the Glory
How can we battle the giants in our lives? As we worship & lean in, come ready to receive from & respond to God as He continues to direct us—and as we continue our series together this morning—Five Smooth Stones.